If you are looking for a job, are an actor, want to submit us a script or a project...
We hope the following information can prevent the sending of unwanted mails. Please avoid sending us emails containing attachments with heavy files, such as uncompressed photos, graphics, etc. Thank you.
Before you contact us, please read the following notice:
- We are not looking for employees nor technicians, musicians or any other collaborators.
- We are not looking for stagiaires (even if you work for free).
- We are not looking for actors or extras (figuration). If you want to submit your photos and profile as an actor or as an extra, please contact casting directors or an agency.
- Since we only produce our own projects, we are not looking to produce or co-produce films from other directors, writers or filmmakers. Please don't send us scenarios, novels or proposals for projects.
However, if you would like to view, program or buy one of our films we will be very happy to offer you our best services.